Les nouveaux profès avec quelques frères présents à la célébration. Samedi 24 Août 2024, en la fête de l’Apôtre Saint Barthélémy, sept jeunes de trois nationalités différentes ont fait leur premier pas dans notre...
Since July 13th, 23 Young Brothers arrived in Ploërmel; Obtaining the visa caused some delays for some, but now everyone has reached the source location of the Mother House. 9 Brothers came from Uganda,...
It has been 5 years since an international session had been held at the Mother House. We can bear witness to this: the Mother House was preparing for it and the Brothers, Pierre-Jean Bar,...
A session in Ploërmel was to take place over a month for 22 young Brothers who had recently pronounced their Perpetual Vows in the Congregation, or who would do so in the coming months....
“It is the most international and the most feminine school that we have had!” said Brother Benito, Provincial. Indeed this one gathers people from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico and even from Canada! Since January...
Yesterday, Saturday, November 3rd, the BAND FM of the young people of Huatusco began its second year at John-Paul II Centre, from 4:30 pm to 10 pm. The organisation committee made of some young...
A Leadership course: To see the perspectives of the Mennaisian Network in 5 years time and to identify what constitute the energies of a Mennaisian Head teacher and what he is called upon to...
Brother Eloi – from Togo, Bros Emmanuel, Isaac, Luc, Richard and William – all the 5 from RD Congo – and Bro Steven, from Senegal pronounced their first vows, on September 4th, in Saint-Paul...
25 young Brothers, including 20 from Africa (Togo, Uganda, Kenya, Congo and Rwanda), 3 from Haiti and 2 from Indonesia have just spent a month at Castelgandolfo in a formation session to prepare themselves...
Groups of head teachers from Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina met in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from the 17th to 19th May, this year, for a meeting about formation. On this occasion they deepened the...