Brother Eloi – from Togo, Bros Emmanuel, Isaac, Luc, Richard and William – all the 5 from RD Congo – and Bro Steven, from Senegal pronounced their first vows, on September 4th, in Saint-Paul Parish Church at Dapaong, Togo.

Bro Jean Herbinière, Master of Novices hands over a cassock to each of the Brothers.
Previously, they had their retreat to mark the end of their Noviciate year from the 20th to the 27th August, at Dzogbégan Monastery. About ten priests, together with Bishop Jacques, bishop emeritus, concelebrated the Eucharist presided over by the Parish Priest.

Bro Jean-Paul Peuzé, Assistant general, receives the Brothers’ vows.
More than thirty Brothers surrounded the newly professed, with a good participation of the Laity of the Parish. It was a simple, beautiful and very prayerful celebration.

The 7 newly professed Brothers.

Many Brothers of St Paul District were present at Dapaong on September 4th.

Strong participation at Saint-Paul Parish, Dapaong.
Bro Jean Herbinière and Bro Gilbert Gbanyobedjoa, assistant master lead together the Novitiate of Saint-Paul District (Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo)