Document of reference of the Mennaisian Family and Statutes of the Lay Mennaisian Associates 2020

The text adopted by the General Council on 15 October 2010

The Formation Project below is meant to be complementary to the text of reference on the Mennaisian Family on the principles of formation concerning each one of the modalities of engagement in the Mennaisian Family. Certain Provinces or Vice-provinces will find in it only a confirmation of what they have already undertaken. Others will find themselves encouraged to follow suit.

Belonging” to the Mennaisian Family
Pertenencia a la Familia MenesianaAppartenance a la famille mennaisienne

Documents Mennaisian Family
Documentos Familia MenesianaDocuments Famille Mennaisienne

Proposals of formation

Young Mennaisians
Jeunes MennaisiensJóvenes Menesianos

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