In view of preparing the General Chapter, Bro Yannick Houssay, Superior general and the General Council would like to invite those who are committed in the Mennaisian educational works to make their contribution.

Young people of 20 to 30 years old: one of the groups invited to share. This was during the meeting of the young people of the Southern Cone: Argentine-Chilli-Bolivia-Uruguay.
7 ‘Groups’ are invited to open ‘ A NEW PAGE ‘:
- MENNAISIAN SCHOOLS: The Lay people and the Brothers who are part of a Mission Team, the Directors and / or the governing committees of our schools.
- MENNAISIAN FAMILY: Lay people and the Brothers engaged in the mission, Mennaisian Family commissions, Associate Members, etc.
- FORMATORS: Brothers in charge of Initial Formation and Brothers in formation houses.
- YOUNG BROTHERS: All the Brothers with temporary vows, and perhaps other Brothers that you would like to associate with.
- MENNAISIAN YOUNG PEOPLE: Young people (20-30 years of age) who are close to you and who are engaged in the mission in one way or another.
- VOCATIOAL PASTORAL WORK: Brothers and lay people who are engaged in vocation work.
- PROVINCE / DISTRICT COUNCILS: Brothers who constitute your own Councils.
Each group can access all the documents on-line on this Website in the Section “Bicentenial- General Chapter 2018”.
The invitation is launched “to scrutinize the horizon“ together. The fruit of the sharings about the 3 orientations chosen by each group will be received by the General Secretary before the end of December.

Each of the seven groups is requested to participate actively. Here are the Brothers of Philippines.