Vitrail de l’école mennaisienne de Berrio-Otxoa, Bilbao, détail.

The Mennaisian School of Berrio-Otxoa, in Bilbao. The community of the Infirmary is located within the School.
“Lord, he whom you love is sick!” This was the gospel text of Sunday, 29th March. “I am the resurrection and the life,” said the Lord. “He who believes in me will never die.” (Jn 11:1-45). The death of the six Brothers of the entire Community of the Infirmary of Berrio-Otxoa, Bilbao between the 22nd and 30th March, 2020 is a shock. The daily presence of Infirmary Staff to the Brothers was remarkable. A celebration will take place when circumstances permit. The whole of the International Mennaisian Family is associated with the suffering of the communities and laity of Spain.
On 21stMarch, Brother Rafael Alonso, Provincial of Spain, announced that Brothers Lucas Sáinz (98), Javier García (76) and Dámaso Cereceda (78), who were in the Infirmary of Berrio-Otxoa, Bilbao, as well as Bro Pablo García (90), from the community of Berrio-Otxoa, Bilbao, had been transferred to the Santa Marina hospital of Bilbao – Bilbao suburbs- with symptoms and positive tests of Covid 19.
On 22nd March, Bro Virgilio Guierrez (80) died in the Infirmary of Berrio-Otxoa and on 23rd March Bro Efrén Fernández (88) died at Santa Marina hospital.
Brother Lucas Sáinz, died on 27th March, Bro Dámaso Cereceda, on 28th March, Bro Javier García, on 29th March and Bro Pablo García, on 30 March, 2020.

At the Oratory of the community of Nanclares de la Oca. Photo. Bro Mariano Gutiérrez
“Here we thank the Brothers and the health staff for their affection and dedication to the care and support of our Elders in the Infirmary.

The Brothers Lucas, Dámaso and Javi, at the community of the Infirmary, before the epidemic. They are our Mennaisian grandparents, lives given to children and youth.”
We will celebrate later. We join families and all our brothers and loved ones in these moments of sadness and distress.
Let us give thanks to God for their lives and ask them, now that they are in the hands of the Father, to watch over us all.”

Message from the Brothers of San Borja, Bolivia on the death of Bro Dámaso Cereceda
Sé mi luz, enciende mi noche,
Sé mi luz, enciende mi noche,
Sé mi luz, enciende mi noche,
mi noche, sé mi luz.
El camino sin ti es tan largo
y tu llanto acoge mi dolor.
Tu Palabra acalla mi miedo
y tu grito se expresa en mi canto
Be my light, enlighten my night
Be my light, enlighten my night
Be my light, enlighten my night
my night, be my light.
The road without you is so long
and your cry welcomes my pain
Thy word soothes my fear
and your cry is expressed in my song