View of the assembly: here in the foreground, Bro Daniel Briant and Bro Hervé Zamor; in the background, Bro Joseph Bellanger
We were 100 Brothers from 14 different Congregations of Brothers on 30th November, 2019.
This year the theme of the meeting was “Brothers in the Peripheries”.

The 4 witnesses prepare themselves for their intervention
4 beautiful testimonies of Brothers present in the outskirts were given, especially the testimony of Brother Enrico Muller –De La Salle Brother- present with another Brother in a suburb of Naples (Scampia), on the 10th floor of a tower, humble presence with young people who are out of school, addicted… and from poor families, abandoned …presence amongst young Roms.
Brother Deogratias – Brother of Charity – also bears edifying witness to the presence of their Congregation among the physically and mentally handicapped throughout the world.
Testimony of Brothers present in the suburbs of Montevideo, Bogota …. “Living in this way with poor families enables us to touch life as it is lived by many people on our planet. This enables us to root our spiritual journey in the often dramatic reality of this land, to give meaning to our life… to feel “the smell of lost sheep” as Pope Francis said, and to take them on our shoulders…”

Realisation of «silhouettes», representing the gifts received by these missions «in the periphery»
The meeting ended with a time of celebration during which, sharing in groups made it possible to dress «silhouettes» highlighting what these experiences in the peripheries made us rediscover about our vocation of «Brother».
See you in 2020 for our 6th Meeting.
Brother Hervé Asse
300 YEARS « LA SALLE ». Closing of the Jubilee Year of St John the Baptist de la Salle – Via Aurelia in Rome
On 1rst December, 2019, the Lassalian Brothers had widely invited the Congregations present in Rome to close this Jubilee Year.
Brothers Hervé Zamor, Vincent Ssekate and Hervé Asse represented the FIC Congregation.

Bro Hervé Zamor on the left of Cardinal Versaldi
A solemn Mass was celebrated in the chapel of their General House, presided over by Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

Mosaic of the 3rd centenary of de la Salle Brothers.
At the end of the ceremony, Cardinal Versaldi blessed a mosaic commemorating this 300th anniversary.
Then it was the time of fraternal agapes: a privileged time of encounters between «brothers».