Since July 13th, 23 Young Brothers arrived in Ploërmel; Obtaining the visa caused some delays for some, but now everyone has reached the source location of the Mother House.

9 Brothers came from Uganda, 4 from Kenya, 1 from Tanzania, 2 from Congo DRC, 3 from Rwanda, 2 from Haiti, 1 from Senegal and 1 from Argentina: A Beautiful Internationality that was complemented by the Team of Guides: Brothers Gildas Prigent, Vincent Ssekate, Hervé Asse and Brother Daniel Gautier, Translator.

Welcome to the Motherhouse: Fr Yannick Houssay and the Community welcomed the Group.

As with each Session, the Brothers and the Staff of the Mother House do everything possible to provide a warm and Fraternal welcome. In addition, this Year we are benefiting from the recent developments of the Reception Center. May the Province of Saint-Jean-Baptiste be Thanked!

This Session of Preparation for Perpetual Vows will be at the same time, a time of Formation, where through the Contributions of the Guides, the sharing in Teams, the Personal Reflections, the Readings, each Brother would be invited to revisit all aspects of his Religious Life.

With an accompanying Brother he would also take stock of where he is, after 6 or 7 years of Consecrated Life, and this, on the eve of an Important Act which would involve his Entire Life.

The Brothers of the Session in the Cathedral of St Malo, around the Baptistery where Jean-Marie de la Mennais was baptized


Visits to St Malo, with Fr Jean-Noël Leblay and Fr Yves Pichon, Brothers of the Community of St Servan


It was also a time of Pilgrimage to the Sources: The First Weeks have already been Rich Moments of Discovery of Saint-Malo and Auray. The other Memorial Sites would follow: St-Brieuc, Dinan, La Chesnaie, Beignon, Malestroit…. Without forgetting of course, the Mother House which this year would celebrate the Bicentenary of the arrival of the Brothers in this House.

Warm Picnic at the Community of St Servan


It was also a time for Meetings, chosen or not…. We let ourselves be guided by those whom the Lord sent to Our Group: These were Strong and Fraternal Moments where the young Brothers could testify to their Dynamism, their Culture and Joy of being a Brother of Ploërmel. Thus, the Meeting of the young people from Camp Abordage de la Touche, that of the Older Brothers in Josselin, those of the Ploërmelais who came to pray as part of the Mennaisian Week… Rich, Intense and Joyful Moments.

Meeting of young people from Camp Abordage in La Touche

Eucharist at the Maison Saint-Martin in Josselin

Prayer around the Tomb of JM LM in the Chapel, with Ploërmelais and the Community of the Mother House

Finally, the Session is a time of Spiritual Renewal: It was undoubtedly the Most Important: Heart to Heart with the One without whom our life has no meaning. For this, the Motherhouse offered a setting conducive to Meditation and Prayer; our times of Community Prayer in the Choir of the Chapel rise to the top of the vaults and unite with the Prayer of all Our Predecessors in this place. The presence of Our Founders in this Chapel also reminds us that following them we must continue on the Path of Hope that they left us.

Currently the Brothers of the Session are experiencing 3 days of Retreat at the Abbey of Timadeuc: A privileged time of Meeting with the Lord, in Silence, Meditation and the Rhythm given by the Prayer of the Monks.

When we return, there would only be two Weeks left!

Retreat at the Abbey of Timadeuc

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