“Growing, Dreaming, Daring. For young people, hoist the sails. We will never give up! ” It’s done! Estival is 20 years old and it was its Song. The Educational Leisure Association of La Mennais France Network, whose Headquarters are in Pénestin, Morbihan, celebrated its Anniversary in its own image: with Joy to share, Music and Games, Palm branches and dances, Projects and Challenges. This Saturday 1st ,2023 and on Sunday April 2nd, 150 Participants made the foliage of the Beautiful tree symbolizing 20 years vibrate. “We are leaving with a Rainbow! “. Explanations and Testimonies
5 Questions that Hair-raising for La Mennais Educators
Rainy Birthday, Happy Birthday. The watered start did not prevent the motivation of some Pilgrims! Three Roundtables allowed the Guests to cross their eyes on the La Mennais Educator.

A Lively Roundtable…
This one is drawn with what Personality traits? Here are stimulating answers like so many stimulations and challenges. It’s the Estival that shakes and wants to move forward!
Autonomy: the Student can be the Master. Amazing formula isn’t it? What do we allow young people to experience in terms of experience? We know that by being autonomous, Progress is stronger. How do our Educational Centers – Schools and Leisure centers – allow us to experience this? “Entrust us with Missions, trust us, make us want to grow” say the children and young people.
The experience of Teamwork. What is experienced on a team scale and how does this help the child, the young person to progress? Is everyone given a role and the Team a Project – a Common Mission? Faced with situations of Harassment, Difficulties of all kinds, how can we provide answers together, young people and adults? How does each one live the responsibility of the Group, of the Class, of the well-being of all?
Living Joy. Do we really know that when we use our Brain with enthusiasm the brain develops and we learn much better? Enthusiasm is Brain Fertilizer. How are our Schools and Educational centers lands welcoming this Fertilizer of Enthusiasm? How do you cultivate this Enthusiasm? What I appreciate in my School, in my Leisure centre, what is it? School is Joy or it’s not Joy: Why?

An Animation Team during a Camp in recent years.
Being dependent on each other. What do I bring to others and what do they bring to me? How do we live this need for each other? Faced with Individualism, how do we experience Cooperation? How is the other important to me? How do we complement each other?
Awakening the Interiority.” I want to take time to breathe, to look at the path travelled, to reread. Along the faces encountered, there are so many paths of Hope and Beauty. » What lesson do we leave each with? of each Session, of each Experience? Are we living in small steps? Does this Interiority join a figure: that of Christ?
In the end, “the common thread is really to move from our Individual bubbles around a Collective Project. Do we live it this way in our stays and Schools?” challenged the organizers of Estival.
A 20-year Journey and a Tribute to the Founders

Clémence knew how to endorse the colors of the successive jerseys!
The pivotal dates of 20 years have been retraced in a Playful way by François Péron, President of Estival for 13 years. Clémence has successively endorsed the T-shirt worn by Animators over the 20 years. A feat! François succeeded Patrick Le Roux, first President.

On the left: Patrick LE ROUX, 1st President with François PERON, his successor…
Tribute was paid to the Founders present 20 years ago and brought together for the occasion. Moment of emotion, Bros. Yannick HOUSSAY, Jean-Yves HAMON, Bernard LE MENE, Pierre GAUTIER, Jean-Noël LEBLAY, MM. Mickaël GAC and Patrick LEROUX were greeted and each received a “Diploma” of Recognition.

Bro Jean-Noël LEBLAY, one of the co-foundors of Estival 20 years ago.

From left to right: Bros. Yannick HOUSSAY, Pierre GAUTIER, Jean-Yves HAMON, Bernard LE MENE, Mr. Mickaël GAC and François PERON.
Memory was made of Bros Bob LEAUSTIC, André RICHARD, Ernest KERFOURN, Yves MOQUÉ… and others
Creation of Training Courses for BAFA Facilitators, Management of the Palandrin Centre, opening of the Villages des Sources in Landévennec-St-Urbain and Derval and the “Escales” in Nantes and Landerneau, links with “Faith and Prayer”, which has become “Peps La Mennais”, etc. so many steps taken!

Faces, Expressions, Emotions…
“The Brothers are proud” said Bro Yannick and the dreams continue for Estival
And it’s not over! Two Projects are presented in terms of development for the Association: The Training of Volunteers and the Reception of young people who are not reached till this day: Social backgrounds, Handicapped situations, Sensitive neighborhoods, etc.

Br Yannick HOUSSAY, Provincial of France: “Keep looking at the horizon to give life to children and young people. »
“I admire what has been experienced,” said Bro. Yannick HOUSSAY, Provincial of France, during his Address. The Brothers are proud of all this. Jean-Marie de la Mennais tells us: this is what I wanted young people and adults to experience! Keep looking to the horizon to give life to children and young people. Keep this Inspiration of JM de la Mennais and the Brothers in your heart. Continue to go to the source and give and dare in confidence! »
Present at the heart of the party, Jean-Marie de la Mennais watches…
A New team and a Brand-New President!
Highlight, the Association saw the Election on Saturday of Ludovic THORAVAL as New President. He succeeds François PERON who provided this service for 13 years and who becomes the Association’s General Manager. Tribute was paid to him for his tireless action at all times…

François Péron, applauded by the whole Assembly…

A hug between the old and the new President…

There is Joy! And a hell of a trio…

Estival’s New Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors Team was also renewed and saw the departure of Claire, Pauline and Marie.
We also welcome the launching of the Estival Application created by Adrien. Nice work!

Adrien signs here the Application of Estival. Brand New!

In the heart of the night, invitation to marvel together.

At the Sea, celebrate Palm Sunday, Singing, Praying, Blessing.
Finally, how not to kiss the babies of the big Estival family!
To be 20 years old with Estival: a Challenge, a Chance, a Flight!
In practice
In 2022, Estival organized 11 Stays, welcomed 506 Young people, supervised by 107 Volunteers. The Association is increasingly professionalizing its reception with the recruitment of Employees totaling 16 Positions at present.

Animation ? The picture is in the box…

During a stay at Le Palandrin… Stars!
A full activity report is available from the Association.contact@association-estival.fr
The Website of the Estival Association
The Villages des Sources Website
Escales Website