To know more about our founders John Mary de la Mennais and Gabriel Deshayes, their biography, texts ...
To know more about our founders John Mary de la Mennais and Gabriel Deshayes, their biography, texts ...
How to make John Mary de la Mennais better known? Why to strengthen our attachment to the Founder? How to develop our closeness, a filiation? The issue of La Mennais Magazine at the beginning...
Very numerous events were lived in schools, educational centres, communities, and families during the Mennaisian week from 18th to 26th November. Celebrations, solidarity actions, discoveries of the Internationality of the Congregation, sporting events and...
Gabriel Deshayes was born on December 6th, 1767 in Beignon, a small rural village of Morbihan, on the border of the forest of Paimpont. When the French Revolution broke out, he was still a...
On June 6, 1819, Fathers Gabriel Deshayes and Jean-Marie de la Mennais signed a “treaty of union” at Saint-Brieuc where they pooled their energies “to procure for the children of the people, especially those...
Saint-Malo and La Chesnaie Jean-Marie de la Mennais was born on September 8th, 1780 in Saint-Malo where his father was a ship-owner. Repeatedly at the time of the scarcities, this one armed the ships...