6 Moments will punctuate this Week of World Youth Days.
An opening Mass on Tuesday, the Youth Festival without forgetting the “Rise up – Catechesis”,
A Welcoming Celebration of the Pope, The Way of the Cross, the Vigil with Francis and the Sending Mass.
WYD Anthem. Listen to your heart: it is urgent!
Listen here :
- “There is haste in the air! »
Listen to your heart.
Jesus does not leave us alone.
We will never stop loving.
We want to serve and be called to Life
This is the Leitmotif of the WYD Anthem.
HÁ PRESSA NO AR(international words !!!)
Official theme song of WYD Lisbon 2023
From far and wide to gather in this place
Todos vão ouvir a nossa voz, Levantemos braços,
há pressa no ar. Jesus vive e não nos deixa sós: Não mais deixaremos de amar.
- From far and wide to gather in this place
We spread our wings and here we are,
And with Mary proclaiming our Yes
We seek to serve and follow the will
Of the Lord, Our Father
Chiamati ad essere come Cristo Gesù,
Vogliamo dare, diventare,
Docili al sì, essere come Maria.
CHORUS : Todos vão ouvir a nossa voz, Levantemos braços, há pressa no ar. Jesus vive e não nos deixa sós: Não mais deixaremos de amar.
- Tú que te buscas saber quién eres
parte a descubrir, ven a ver lo que vi.
Ven con nosotros a mirar más allá,
de lo que haces y que no te deja
reír y amar.
Oublie le passé, ne dis pas non.
Écoute donc ton coeur,
Et pars sans peur sur cette mission. [Chorus]
- È stata Maria ad accogliere per prima
La grande sorpresa della vita per sempre.
Fiduciosa e semplice, volle ricevere
il grande mistero di un Dio che è
Per te e per me
No puedo callar, no puedo dejar
de cantar: “Mi Señor,
cuenta conmigo, ¡no más callaré!” [Chorus]
Two Symbols of hope: A Cross and an Icon

For months, in multiple places in Portugal and Lisbon, the Icon of Mary and the Child preceding the Great Pilgrim Cross.
“I entrust to young people this Wooden Cross, a Symbol of Christ’s love for our World”.
3.8 meters high, the Pilgrim Cross, built for the Holy Year in 1983, was entrusted by John Paul II to young people, on Palm Sunday 1984, so that it could be transported around the World. Whole as a symbol of Hope.
The Pilgrim Cross is accompanied by the Icon of Our Lady Salus Populi Romani, which depicts the Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus in her arms.
These Symbols pass from Country to Country. They joined Lisbon for Weeks, from place to place.