The new Website is from now on online.
You want to discover or to know better the action of the Brothers of the Christian Instruction -FIC- and of the Mennaisian Family in Western Africa – AO? Go to the new Website: www.lamennais.fic-ao.org www.lamennais.fic-ao.org

A part of the Brothers of Saint-Paul District.
Meet the young Brothers of the Scholasticate of Abidjan, see the numerous actions carried out at the agricultural Center Carto of Ogaro, be at the heart of the colleges of Diourbel, Velingara, Mango and Parakou, enter the realities of the novitiate of Dapaong: so many possibilities – and many others – offered by the new Website opened by Saint-Paul District.
The District gathers communities and works of Senegal, Togo, Ivory Coast and Benin.

During a meeting at the scholasticate of Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

Several Brothers of the communities of Togo.
The Website has been displayed online and presents in a dynamic way the strengths of the action of the Mennaisian Brothers and Laity : A COMMITMENT TO LIVE / TO EDUCATE – TO LIVEN UP /ALL BROTHERS/ TO PROCLAIM THE WORD/MENNAISIAN FAMILY.

On the right: Bro Camille MAHOUMBA and Bro Jean de la Croix LARE.
And the current events are also presented: the opening of the Bicentenary of the congregation, the appointment of new Brother Visitor, Bro Jean de la Croix Lare …

A clear, attractive and well built Website.

At the CARTO, agricultural formation center situated near Dapaong, Togo.

At Parakou, at the Hibiscus College, in Benin.

At the home “Keur La Mennais” in Senegal.
Let us salute here the realization of this project introduced by Bro Camille Mahoumba, Brother Visitor. The project was carried by Bro François Milin and the help of all the communities, and Sam’s help too, the webmaster.
Congratulations to Saint-Paul District for this beautiful initiative!
The mail address of the site: www.lamennais.fic-ao.org is : contact@fic-ao.org