Welcome to the photos of Cribs of our Schools, Communities, and our Families: we publish them on this Website and on the Facebook page of the Institute:
The crib depicts a birth. It reminds us of the wonder that grips us all before a new–born.
The crib is the symbol of “a more human and Fraternal World, where no one is excluded or marginalized,” wrote Pope Francis.
By being born in the manger, God himself begins the only true revolution that gives hope and dignity to the undesired, the marginalized: the revolution of love, the revolution of tenderness ».
“God becomes man for those who feel the greatest need for His love and ask for its closeness”.

A Crib from Togo, at Jean de la Mennais House, Paris.
God made Himself a child
Francis also takes the example of the Magi, «rich men, wise strangers, thirsting for infinite» who «teach that we can go from far away to reach Christ»
Everywhere, and in different forms, concludes the Pope, the crib speaks of the love of God, the God who became a child to tell us how close He is to every human being, whatever his condition.” Contact for sending 2 photos: lmm@lamennais.org |