TELL US. A storytelling workshop that combines imaginary, acquisition of knowledge and Mennaisian values at La Mennais College in Montevideo, Uruguay

“Tell us a story”. This is the Workshop that has been going on for months at La Mennais College in Montevideo, Uruguay, with young people aged 10 to 12 during the pandemic. The facilitators of this workshop are the Librarians: Alba Holenweger and Alejandra Risso and Rafael Cohen, computer coordinator. Explanation by Bro Guillermo Dávila.

Tell me a story… a story every month with many dimensions and  connections to Mennaisian roots and Spirit.
On the right Bro Guillermo.

Initially, the purpose of the weekly storytelling web-based presentation was to maintain the “bond” with children, and to continue presenting the values that characterize the School’s project. Later, Providence suggested a new perspective: to associate the message of the narrative with an explicit aspect of the Mennaisian Identity adapted to a chosen audience.

For This second dimension, the educator contacted me in the USA, said Bro Guillermo, where I was at the time, and through new technologies, I began to participate by presenting this other dimension. Back home, I joined the face-to-face project.”

The secret of the success of this pedagogical intervention is to pay attention in the choice of the literary document to be presented. To this is added the articulation of the charismatic aspects to be explained through each tale in a form that corresponds to the psychology of the little ones.

“Charisma can be a life experience and it has opened a beautiful path and perspectives for us,” said Bro Guillermo.

For more information in Spanish, please visit: