+ 6 young Brothers are invited to experience the Chapter
They participate in the Entire Meeting, without the Right to Vote. These are the Bros: Aiden RUKUNDO, Olivier IGIRANEZA, Franciskus GUA MAKING, Philippe DOUTI, Rony PIERRE, Paul MWITI.
+ The Working Method chosen for Discussions and Debates is that of Consensus
Members are divided into Working Groups called Tables, formed by the General Council. A President and Secretary are Elected.
Each of the 6 Tables elected its President and Secretary, with Linguistic Groups:
1 – Spanish: H. Carlos LOVATTO, H. Josu OLABARRIETA
2 – English: Bro Vincent BARIGYE, Bro James HAYES
3 – English: Bro Casio AIZIRE, F. Gildas PRIGENT
4 – French: Br. Géniaud LAUTURE, Br. Jean-Paul PEUZE
5 – French: Brother Jean-Baptiste NDIAYE, Brother Valmy DABEL
6 – French: Brother Claude GELINAS, Brother Wilfried FARA
Concerning the Revision of the Rule of Life and for other Subjects, each Table seeks Consensus. Modalities for Amendments and Approval are then Established.
+ The Liturgy is enriched with Mobile Connections
Many Songs are received directly on Individual Cell Phones.
+ The Superior General of the Daughters of Providence invited
Sister Louise Touchette is invited to participate in the last three days of the Chapter.
It is a Sign of Communion of the two Institutes Founded by Jean-Marie de la Mennais.
+ A Magnificent Landscape and Nature
For the moment it has not been possible to fully enjoy the Sun: The Chapter lives above all to the Rhythm of the Wind and Gray Weather!