It is 10:23 am. Brother Yannick HOUSSAY, President of the Bureau of the Chapter proclaims:
“Bro. Hervé ZAMOR is elected Superior General of the Brothers of Christian Instruction”.

Bro. Hervé ZAMOR is elected Superior General of the Brothers of Christian Instruction.
Gathered since March 1st in the General Chapter, the 43 Capitulants have just elected the new Superior General of the Congregation on this day, March 17th.
Aged 50, Brother Hervé ZAMOR is a Haitian national. He was born in Jacmel.
After completing his novitiate and scholasticate in France, Bro. Hervé Zamor taught for a few years and then studied in Angers and Rome.
He was in turn Master of the novices for three years in Pétionville, then superior of the scholasticate of Abidjan in Ivory Coast and teacher at CELAF.
He was appointed Provincial of Haiti, Province St Louis de Gonzague in 2010, a position he held until today.
This coming Monday morning, on March 19th, feast of St. Joseph, will be held the election of three Assistants to form the new General Council.