A Saviour is born to us! Let us rejoice!
“A Saviour is born to us!
The whole universe was plunged into darkness;
This is the one who will be the light.
The human race was a slave;
This is its deliverer.
We are in him a new creature;
his heritage is our heritage;
God is our Father as he is his.
Rejoice, O earth,
because the Lord has comforted his people
and that he will have mercy on his poor.
Man’s thoughts are not God’s thoughts,
and the more Jesus Christ humbles himself, the more He proves that He is the Saviour whom we must wait for.”
Jean-Marie de la Mennais (Sermon on the Feast of Christmas, S II, 482-484)

Crib, Saint Peter square – Rome – 2019

Crib at the Generalate, Roma – Christmas 2019
Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of the world, was born for us. He was born in Bethlehem of a virgin, fulfilling the ancient prophecies. The virgin is called Mary, her husband Joseph.
It is the humble people, filled with hope in the goodness of God, who welcome and recognize Jesus. Thus, the Holy Spirit enlightened the shepherds of Bethlehem, who rushed to the grotto and worshiped the Child. The Holy Spirit then guided the elderly, Simeon and Anna, the humble, into the Temple of Jerusalem, and they recognised in Jesus the Messiah.» (Father de la Mennais)