The Team is composed of – from left to right: Mr. John DDUNGU, from Uganda, Ms. Victoria DRAPER from Uruguay, Ms. Yvette MEUS from Haiti, Ms. Belen CORUñA MOZO from Spain, Ms. Françoise LE BRETON from France, Mrs. Luz Martha de LA CRUZ ROMERO from Mexico.
Following the Discussions over these two days, a Reference Text has just been adopted in order to set out the Orientations of the Mennaisian Family for the next 6 years.

Unanimous Agreement to present the Text and move to Electronic Voting.

Exceptionally, the Lay People present, the Young Brothers invited and all the Brothers participated in the Vote.
Brother Hervé Zamor Addressed the Six Lay Members of the International Commission: “Thank you for pushing us to move forward. Let us continue to move forward side by side but also by opening the way, by organizing yourselves, to join the Lay Association now Constituted.”
The Challenge is to live in “Mennaisian Family Mode” through the following Orientations, the Essentials of which are:
- Transmit the Mennaisian Charisma
Train Trainers around a Path comprising Spiritual Experience, Knowledge, Interpersonal Skills and Know-How.
Discerning the possibility of creating International Mennaisian Communities according to Linguistic Realities
- Promote the Vocations of Brothers and Mennaisian Lay Associates
Develop a Vocations Pastoral Program, dare to call and offer Training and Discernment Experiences to those who wish to belong to a Lay Association
- Promoting Co-Responsibility in the Mennaisian Family
Support the creation of Local Groups, by imagining New Missionary presences serving the Poorest, by involving Lay People in Training
Encourage sharing of Training Tools and Educational Experiences.
Promote and Support Exchange and Volunteering Experiences allowing Young People to discover the Meaning of Life

Combine Forces to bring out New Shoots: Nature is a Beautiful School of Life in this regard.
4. Making Christ Known and Loved by Young People
Live Spiritual Experiences with young people, offer Meetings with today’s Witnesses, offer young people Experiences of Services and Commitments
Train and Support young Mennaisian Adults based on the three Pillars of Charisma (Spirituality, Fraternal Bonds and Apostolate)
The six Lay People completed their Participation in the Chapter this Tuesday Evening. They were Warmly Thanked.

Evening fell in Arricia. Mary watches over. “Receive these Works and Bless Us!” »