A big and wonderful day at Beignon, Gabriel Deshayes’ native village, founder and co-founder of 6 religious congregations in the 19th century, in Brittany.
Diocese of Vannes, Parish, Municipality, Catholic school, inhabitants, members of Congregations connected to Father Deshayes, the Network of Gabriel Deshayes’ Friends – presided by Father Adrien Collet-, the Pastoral of the Deaf of Morbihan lived on Sunday, December 3rd a Eucharistic celebration marking the 250th anniversary of his birth, celebrated in the parish church of Beignon, presided by Msgr. Centène, Bishop of the Diocese of Vannes, surrounded by 11 priest concelebrants.

Clément Danet, a 6 and half year old, played very well Gabriel Deshayes’ role as a child. Congratulations!
Clément Danet, 6 and half year old, – whose dad is a butcher – just like Father Deshayes’ opened the celebration by interpreting Gabriel Deshayes’s role, as a child.
In his homily, Msgr. Centène put forward the role of watchman and awakener of this high figure of Beignon.” Gabriel Deshayes invites us not to pass by our highest mission: to be present to oneself and to God. Our conscience is the sanctuary in which God speaks to man. Father Deshayes was someone who raised up material, moral, and spiritual ruins. He is a model for each one of us today. “

Mgr. Centène at the baptismal font where Gabriel Deshayes was baptised.

Very many faithful in the church of Beignon

Mr. Yves Josse, mayor of Beignon – on the right – handed over to Msgr. Centène a memorial medal of this day
Mr. Yves Josse, the Mayor of Beignon and the Municipality offered a reception. Mrs Marie-Hélène Herry, the Mayor of St-Malo of Beignon and Councilor of the Department of Morbihan underlined how much Gabriel Deshayes’ life and work are significant and inspiring even today

BroYannick Houssay underlined how much this anniversary was celebrated with joy.
Bro Yannick Houssay, Superior General of the Brothers of Christian Instruction – Mennaisian Brothers – underlined the joy shared in this opportunity to make memory of the co-founder of the Brothers, at the approach of celebrating 200 years of the foundation of the congregation.

During Mrs Herry’s speech, Councillor of the Department. From left to right: Bros. François Jaffré, secretary of GD’s Friends,Bro Yannick Houssay, Superior general of the FIC, Louis Balanant, director of the Library of the Mother House FIC at Ploërmel, Msgr. Centène, Bishop of Vannes, Mr. Josse, Mayor of Beignon.

In the photo, Father Louis of Bronac, parish priest, on the left of Msgr. Centène, Bishop of Vannes.
The Fathers Louis de Bronac, parish priest of Guer and of Beignon, and Jean du Parc, vicar, were happy to welcome the crowd of Gabriel Deshayes’ friends

Mrs Gaëlle Prouvost – on the right, headmaster of the Ste Marie school of Beignon, together with Clément Danet’s family who interpreted the role of Gabriel Deshayes as a child.
Saint Marie Catholic School of Beignon whose headmistress is Gaëlle Prouvost, presented an exhibition and activities in the steps of Gabriel Deshayes whereas an initiation into the sign language was proposed as well as a visit of the church and Louis Cloërec’s testimony, Chaplain of the prison of Vannes.

Two of the sisters of St Gildas’ community who live at Beignon, at the birthplace of Father Deshayes..
The community of the St Gildas Sisters consisted of Sisters Antoinette, Raphaëlle and Marguerite, put all its energy to prepare and welcome the “pilgrims”, whereas numerous volunteers of the associations of Beignon and the members of the Municipal Council were also “on the deck “, everything in a simple and warm atmosphere.

A well prepared meal was served near Father Deshayes’ birthplace.

The Superior General of the Congregation of St Gildas Sisters, founded by Father Deshayes.
The Superior General of St Gildas Sisters was present as well as Bro Jean Friant, former Superior General of St Gabriel Brothers.
To note also the presence of the Montfort Novices, in formation at Montfort.

The Brothers of Christian Instruction were many at this big party
On Wednesday, 6th December, another celebration will take place at 10 am at the Saint Marie School of Beignon with the presence of the children and of their families and Msgr. Centène will preside the Mass in the church, on the day of the 250th anniversary of his birth.
Finally, on September 23rd and 24th, 2018, two days of celebration and feast are announced at St Laurent-sur-Sèvre to close the year of the 250 years anniversary.