Three young people, after two years of formation at the Postulate, namely: Brooz, Jean-Frandy and Rodson entered the Novitiate on August 14, the eve of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the patronal feast of the Congregation.
It was during the evening prayer that Brother Géniaud LAUTURE, the Provincial Superior,welcomed them and entrusted them to Brother Jean HERBINIERE, the Novice Master, for this important stage of their formation.
After reciting the Vespers, the Brother Provincial handed over to each of them the cross of the Brothers. This stage was formalised by the signing in the Province’s registers.
It was a moment of joy and thanksgiving. Brother Géniaud reminded them that the Novitiate is a time of prayer, discernment and rooting in Christ. At the end of the celebration, the Novices were congratulated and encouraged by the Brothers present.
From left to right : Bro Wenscky JEAN LOUIS (Formator at the Novitiate),Bro André NICOLAS (Assistant Novice master), Brooz SAINTIL (Novice), Frandy LAGUERRE (Novice), Rodson EXILUS (Novice), Bro Jean HERBINIERE (Novice Master) and Bro Géniaud LAUTURE (Provincial Superior).
The 1st Profession of Brothers Jean-Stéphane and Jean-Jude

Brothers Jean-Stéphane FAMIL and Jean-Jude SIMON pronounced their first vows in the presence of Bro Géniaud LAUTURE, Provincial –St Louis de Gonzague Province.
This August 15, we have just experienced a beautiful celebration of the first religious profession at the Juniorate of Petionville of Brothers Jean Stéphane FAMIL and Jean-Jude SIMON
We had a very good time of celebration.

Joy and recollection during the commitment of the two Brothers.
The audience was small (due to Coronavirus) but very prayerful.
A fraternal meal followed the profession.
Bro Jean Herbinière