It is possible to contribute to the rescue of the stained-glass windows!

The restauration of the main stained-glass window of the Mother House chapel is the initial priority.
As we begin the three years to prepare for and celebrate the Bicentenary of the founding of the Brothers, a crowdfunding initiative has been launched on the Dartagnans site (www.dartagnan.fr). Click here: https://dartagnans.fr/fr/projects/a-ploermel-une-grande-verriere-a-restaurer/campaign
9 500 euros are required by the end of September to restore the large stained-glass window. Several contributors have already participated, but we need to seek further donations. This large stained-glass window of an impressive size – 22m2 – bathes the sanctuary in its colourful light, onto to the place La Mennais at Ploërmel. It is a part of the public landscape of the city.
The Brothers’ Congregation receives no subsidy for the Chapel. It is covering all the expenses of the restauration from a combination of its own funds (which essentially come from the Brothers’ salaries and pensions), a bank loan and a call for donations.
All the damaged pieces of stained glass must be replaced, the new glass having to be calibrated, cut, painted and cooked in a special 650° oven.
The leadwork will be entirely removed and replaced. Leadwork that had been given extra cement waterproofing will be replaced by fresh lead.
Before being reinstalled, each window has to dry out for a month in a ventilated workshop.
In fact, The majority of the stained-glass windows – 19 in total – are in a very poor condition.
All of them will need some form of restoration.
The total amount for the restoration of the 19 stained-glass windows is 126 324.00 € to which must be added 54 400.00 € for the hiring of scaffolding, representing a total amount of 180 274.00 €.
* The rose window measuring 8 m2 at the far end of the Chapel: 9 408.00 €
* 5 stained-glass windows measuring 5.60 m2: 6 585.60 € per window, 32 928 € for all 5.
* 5 stained-glass windows measuring 5.60 m2: 840.00 € per window, 4 200.00 € for all 5.
* 7 stained-glass windows measuring 6.50 m2: 7 644.00 € per window, 53 508.00 € for all 7.
* 1 window measuring 22.40 m2: 26 280.00 €,
Total amount: 126 324.00 € (restauration of the stained-glass windows only)
Every donation can be tax-deducted, both for individuals and companies.
Contact: Bro. Michel BOUVAIS Director of the Mother House, Ploërmel . Tel. 06 45 63 44 33
E-mail: michel.bouvais@mennaisien.org

Bro Michel Bouvais, Superior of the Mother House community, launches the campaign for donations.