Here, from left to right: Emilio de la Fuente, Headmaster of Bilbao, Bro Nemesio Castaño, Councillor, Lorena Molina, of the International Commission of the Mennaisian Family, Bro Rafael Alonso, Provincial, Bro Miguel de la Hera, Assistant Provincial
Church. A team of Brothers and Laity has just participated in the Church Congress in Spain at the end of February. Conferences, celebrations and workshops allowed many exchanges. Information via Bro Justino Santiago.
Postulate. During the 11 o’clock Eucharistic celebration on 1st March, two young Bolivians, Kevin Jarol and Yamil Gustavo, entered the Postulate of the Brothers of Christian Instruction. They are both former students of Luis Espinal Camps, El Alto, Villa Victoria.
The community celebrated with joy the decision of these young men and accompanied them with their presence. A meal followed with the families and the community. The two young men will continue to deepen God’s call to live as Mennaisian Brothers.
We entrust them to each one’s prayer.
Manga. Throughout the year, the Manga club of Ste Marie de Vitré Secondary School, France, produces many creations. A competition of manga drawings is animated by the students themselves, characters are created on the digital tool Canva. They also make calligraphy of their first name in katakana -one of the three Japanese alphabets- and design origami bookmarks. An exhibition is planned by the end of the year, led by Marie Cousin, a teacher-documentalist and several adults involved in the project.

Drawings competition

Calligraphy of first names with the Japanese katakana alphabet.

Mysterious readings!
Encouragement. All the members of the Catholic Jean de la Mennais College in Man, Ivory Coast, were mobilized for the success of the ceremony on Thursday, February 13 for our Technical Education and Vocational Training students. Certificates of excellence, congratulations, encouragement and honour were awarded to students who distinguished themselves by their work and behaviour. The shadow of Father Jean Marie de la Mennais continues to hover over this school led by Jean Philippe DAGNITCHE in the west of Ivory Coast.

All the young students of Man’s College were gathered.

Many young people have been honoured for their work and behaviour.
Plantations and goats pen. The 1st class of the CED St Joseph of Taiohae, Marquises – Polynesia – is here in action for an examination. On the programme: cassava plantation with preparation of cuttings, amendment and planting.
Each team works independently and makes technical choices: natural mulching or plastic mulching -biodegradable of course. The school is run by Bro Rémy Quinton together with a well involved educational team.
Mulching is a key step in agro-ecology because it retains soil moisture, which in particular promotes soil life, slows the growth of weeds, and provides organic matter.
Another class – CAPa- continues on the project of setting up a goats’ pen.
Here, the realization of the trenches for the fences of the park.

The trenches are made on the land above the school building. Let’s watch the site and the landscape!

Pride of the young after completion of mulching and planting.