The Revision of the Rule of Life, the Choice of Orientations and Lines of Action for the Congregation, all in an Atmosphere of Brotherhood and Prayer at the Service of the Institute: The Heart of the General Chapter passes through the Involvement of each Capitulant. To date, more than 400 Votes have been cast by each!
The Votes are monitored by Bros Claude GREGOIRE, Treasurer General and Rony PIERRE, young Brother invited, the General Secretariat being provided by Bro Hervé ASSE. |

From left to right: Bros Rony PIERRE, Hervé ASSE and Claude GREGOIRE.
To allow these choices, the drafting of Texts is ensured by the Secretaries of the «Tables», themselves animated by the Presidents. A Committee of Secretaries then liaises with the Facilitator of the Chapter. |

From left to right: Bros Gildas PRIGENT, Secretary of the Team of Secretaries, Mario HOULE, Moderator, Yannick HOUSSAY, Animator and Hervé ZAMOR, President of the Chapter.
The Teams here salute the important work done by these Brothers who serve the Secretariat: The Bros Wilfried FARA, James HAYES, Valmyr Jacques DABEL, Josu OLABARRIETTA, Gildas PRIGENT and Jean-Paul PEUZE. |

From left to right: Bros Wilfried FARA, James HAYES, Valmyr Jacques DABEL, Josu OLABARRIETTA, Gildas PRIGENT and Jean-Paul PEUZE.
Let us also salute the Translators’ Tireless Work: Bros Yvon MOBIHAN and Raymond DUCHARME, French-English, English-French and Mrs Daniella PERSIA, Spanish-French, French-Spanish. |

Bros. Yvon MOBIHAN, Raymond DUCHARME and Mrs Daniella PERSIA ensure the Translations.